Audiences’ interest in graphic novels and comic books has led us to produce illustrated books with fascinating art and stories. Knowing more about depth and potential of epics and fairytales and believe in our talented creative artists, we always had motivation to illustrate graphic novels. So, for the first step we started to publish graphic novel series named “The Last Fiction” which is a side project of animated feature; “The Last Fiction”. After successful production of these works, Hoorakhsh Studios has been able to reach International markets and we are proud that our graphic novels are being read and distributed around the world.
“The Last Fiction” series
The series of “The Last Fiction” graphic novels has been published in three cycles which are: “Jamshid 1 to 4”, “Arshia” and “Zahhak; Inferno”. This collection along with “The Last Fiction” animated feature narrates the story of The Last Fiction.
Jamshid 1 to 4 is the first in the series of “The Last Fiction” graphic novels and they tell the story of dawn and fall of Jamshid’s kingdom.
The graphic novel Arshia is the life story of a mysterious character born completely out of the writer’s fiction. Nevertheless, the relation of this character with Shahnameh (The Book of Kings) and ancient Iranian mythologies is quite remarkable as Arshiya, alongside the main characters, is one of the most influential and pivotal figures in the Jamshid graphic novel series and the animated movie The Last Fiction, both of which are free readings of Shahnameh.
And Zahhak; Inferno pictures Zahhak’s fate after being chained up in Mount Damavand.

The first Chapter of our comic series, 7.13, has also been published in Hamshahri Danestaniha Magazine in 2019 and the second chapter is going to be published soon. 7.13 tells the story of Mehrdad Moein who lost his wife & child during a massive bombing, and he realized it was from an anonymous gang after 10 years. He is the only survivor of the 7.13 gene and the only one who could space travel with a device in his hand without any physical problems. Now Mehrdad is cooperating with a very high-tech company with top secret cyber knowledge to chase down this terrorist anonymous gang.

Immortal Thrown
Immortal Thrown is the story of Alexander the Great, after the burning of Persepolis and his last efforts to attain eternal life.
The audience will witness a fictional story that shows Alexander’s encounter with his nightmares. Alexander sees himself in the face of the past and what he has gone through. During the story, an attempt has been made to implicitly introduce the Persepolis building, its history and some historical facts.

“One thousand and one night”, is a collection of the Middle East’s folk tales which includes mystery and morals advice on how to live.
The “Golden Falcon” is a comic book about Wisdom, patience, and moral judgments Retrieved from “A Thousand and One Nights” tales
This comic is a Folklore story of a hasty and unbridled king who cannot control his anger. “ATRIN THE KING”, who does not listen to the advice of those around him, ends up paying the unimaginable price…